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Getting Started with OneTapConnect (Team Plan)

How To Complete Your Company and User Profiles on OneTapConnect



This article is intended to provide you with a high-level overview of the new OneTapConnect platform (2.0) to help you complete your company profile, as well as your first user's profile, so our professional designers can create your initial digital business card design.

Your OneTapConnect account is a Content Management System (CMS) that was designed to help you manage your company's information and digital business cards in a way that is simple, flexible and efficient.

As you go through the process of completing your company information, every field you fill out will be used as a building block  to create your own digital business card, as well as your company's first template.

Every team plan comes with professional design services and an initial template setup, which means your first one is on us!

Once it's published, you can assign this template to your users as a preset card design, enabling them to include their own personal details (e.g. profile photo, contact information, etc.), while maintaining control over your company's digital business card designs.

Even better? OneTapConnect makes it easy to create additional templates that you can assign to separate groups of users, making it simpler than ever to manage your teams and the digital cards they have on hand.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves, so let's start at the beginning.

Every time you click the “save” button at the bottom of the screen, any changes you’ve made will automatically be reflected on your template and any digital cards you have assigned to it. You can update this information at any time.

1. General

Page view of general company information form on the OneTapConnect platform.

As you fill out your company's general information, you may notice the gray switches to the right of some input fields.

Because the information you save here is intended to serve as the default information for multiple users, we have added the option for you to control whether or not specific fields can be changed by team members--specifically those without full authorization to access and/or edit certain company information.

Switches to allow or restrict users from changing company information.

To set a certain field to 'view-only' for team members, simply switch that field to 'off' as displayed here on the right.






Similarly, if you would prefer to keep any (or all) of your company's address private, simply click the gray switches next to the line you’d like to hide. Otherwise, this information will be shared along with the rest of your users' contact information.

2. About

Imagine you had 60 seconds to pitch your business to someone you’ve just met. What would that person need to know to feel sure that your company is right for the job?

OneTapConnect "About company" section on digital business card.


An effective company bio might answer:

  • “When, why and how was your company started?”
  • “What is its purpose and/or mission?”
  • “What service(s) does it provide?”
  • “What makes your company uniquely qualified to provide this service?”



Social media & other links

Including links to your company's social media accounts–such as your Facebook business page–can be another great way to communicate your authenticity. 

If you have links to other websites or pages that will help you distinguish your work, you can input them here using the orange “+ Add another” buttons.

OneTapConnect interface to save links to add to your digital business card.

Notice those switches on the right? Switching these 'on' will allow your team members to add their own social media accounts and other links to their card. That said, the links you add here will automatically be used if they decide not to add their own after all.

Any links you include in your company's profile will be available for you to ‘plug in’ to buttons on your digital card templates, making it easier than ever for you to showcase your company and what it does well.

3. Branding

Displaying your logo and branded colors on your digital card is a quick and effective way to visually express your company’s identity and make a memorable impression.

For best results:

  • Use a high-resolution image of your company’s logo.
  • Be consistent across platforms by selecting colors that are prominently featured in your company’s existing branding (as seen on your company’s website, signage, products, etc.)
  • Keep things simple by starting with two colors, one “Primary color," and one “Accent color” to really make those calls-to-action pop.

If you don't have existing branding for your company, you can:

  • Use the OneTapConnect colors that are selected by default.
  • Choose a color theme later using the Visual Editor's global styling settings.
  • Use a free, online color palette generator for inspiration!

Try to select colors that are bold, engaging, and reflective of your brand’s personality.

4. Lead capture

Let’s say that a prospective client is viewing one of your user's digital cards on their phone, and they'd like to connect!

There are a few ways they can do this, but perhaps the most efficient way is for them to use the “connect” button near the top of your user's card.

OneTapConnect "connect" button on digital business card.

This begs the question: “what is the best way for someone to connect with your company?”

OneTapConnect offers three different lead capture options:

  1. They can start a text thread that includes your user's digital card. This way, the client knows exactly who they’re messaging and can view, save and share your user's digital card whenever they’d like.
  2. They can be directed to a booking form that allows them to book an appointment or consultation with your company using your preferred booking/scheduling application.
  3. They can fill out a contact form that will add them to your customer relationship management (CRM) system, making it easier for you to manage their information and streamline your marketing process.

Most CRMs and scheduling softwares make it easy to embed a form on a webpage, and you can typically find the code to embed a form in your profile’s sharing options on the application’s website.

Simply copy and paste this unique code into the appropriate “Add embedded code here…” box, make sure you’ve selected the “connect” button behavior associated with the type of form you’d like to use, and you should be good to go!

If your company does not currently use a booking application, we recommend Calendly as a highly-rated, free-to-use scheduling solution for you and your business.

5. General Settings


By default, your company cards’ URLs are based on your company's name and users' first and last names.

You can change this default value by entering an alternative and clicking "Check availability" to ensure it is available.

Your company's handle (or permalink) functions a lot like a social media handle.

You can update it at any time, and it will always be associated with your accounts' unique system IDs, but if you change your company handle, any clients who search for you using the old one will not be redirected to your cards' current web addresses.

For this reason, we strongly recommend that users share their cards using the "share" button from their digital card, mobile app or account dashboard, because this function is tied to users' system IDs and therefore will always work.

User profile settings

Allow Users to edit their personal contact information?

Leaving this option 'on' will allow your users to edit their own contact information, including their name, professional title, email, profile image, social media links, etc, but it will not grant them access to change any company information you have previously denied them access to.

Switching this option to 'off' will deny your users the ability to input their own information, so any changes or additions will need to be facilitated by you or another user with manager or administrator access.

Because invited users would not be able to complete their own onboarding while this option is disabled, switching it 'off' will also disable your ability to add users via CSV or email invitation.

Allow users to edit their digital card information?

Leaving this option 'on' will allow users access to the visual editor, but it will not grant them access to change information you have previously denied them access to. 

Switching this option to 'off' will completely restrict your users' access to the visual editor. 

Because you will have the same access rights as any other user once you move on to completing your personal profile, switching this option to 'off' will additionally restrict your ability to make changes to your own digital business card from within the visual editor.

6. Share/Referral

When your users take advantage of the "share" button on their digital cards, mobile apps or account dashboards, they can choose to share their card by text, email or social media, and each one of these options comes with a prewritten message that can be be fully customized.


OneTapConnect provides default values for each of these cases, but you can replace these messages using your company's own verbiage, tone and communication style, giving you complete control of how your company is presented every time it is shared by your users or sent as a referral link by an existing client of your company.


Now that your company information and general settings have been set, it's time to enter the first user information so you can complete the design of your first digital card.

If you have just upgraded your account from a professional plan to a team plan, you may have already finished filling out your personal contact information.

If this is the case, double-check that everything looks correct and up to date, then:

  • Head to the "Templates "page.
  • Click the vertical "..." for more options.
  • Select "Edit template."
  • Get to finalizing your design!

Don't forget to check out our article on how to use the OneTapConnect visual editor.

If you and your company are new to OneTapConnect, please follow the steps below to complete your user profile. 

These next few steps will be the same for any users you add or invite to join your company on OneTapConnect, and you will have the same permissions as any other user while you complete this part of the setup process.


7. Contact information

Your contact information is an essential part of your digital card–it’s what enables people to connect with you! 

OneTapConnect contact information displayed on digital business card.

How to make a good first impression:

  1. Use your preferred name.
  2. Add the email address and cell phone number you use for work.
  3. Add your professional title by clicking the orange “+ Add another” button.
  4. Add a well-lit, high-quality image of yourself dressed to impress by clicking anywhere inside the gray “Upload” square.

8. General information

Your “About me” should answer the questions “who are you?” and “what do you do” in a way that is clear, concise and confident.

OneTapConnect "About me" section on digital business card.




Your “About me” might include:

  • Your current title, credentials and how long you’ve been in the industry
  • Your experience, past achievements and areas of expertise
  • Your personal and professional goals
  • Your hobbies and interests






Social media & other links

Including links to your professional social media accounts–such as your LinkedIn–can be a great way to highlight your own experience and prove your unique competency.

Because you have the same level of authority as any other user while you're filling out your profile, if you have denied your users the ability to add their own personal links, you will need to enable this access in the "About" section on the "Company information" page before you can add your own.

9. Lead capture (personalized)

While you have previously configured lead capture settings for any users that will be assigned to this template-in-progress, you can still customize these settings for your own digital card by editing the default message or embedding your own, personal booking form.

Because you have the same level of authority as any other user while you're filling out your profile, if you have denied your users the ability to customize their own lead capture behaviors, you will need to enable this access in the "Lead capture" section on the "Company information" page before you can add your own.

10. Templates

Now that you've finished entering your company information and filling out your user profile, we should have everything we need to create the design for your company's first template!

We'll let you know as soon as your first template is finished, but in the meantime, feel free to familiarize yourself with our Visual Editor by:

  • Heading to the "Templates" page
  • Clicking the vertical "..." for more options.
  • Selecting "Edit template."

If you're ready to start assembling your team, head to our knowledge base to learn more about how to invite your team members to join your company's account on OneTapConnect.